Epic Games vs Apple: account Epic eliminato da iOS e macOS

Epic Games vs Apple: account Epic eliminato da iOS e macOS

Apple he had warned that he would delete the account epic Games, and has passed "from threats to facts". Yes, because the developer account of epic Games it no longer exists for systems iOS e MacOS. It means that the Fortnite software house will no longer be able to update its titles, including the battle royale.

Thankfully, deleting the account will have no effect on Unreal Engine. So, the Xbox predicted disaster did not come true. It was the words of the Court that changed his mind Apple, what about the graphics engine? Probably yes. but how the two sides reacted, above all epic Games, to this choice? Here are the details!

Epic Games vs Apple: the endless fight

According to Bloomberg, Apple has permanently closed the developer account of epic Games su AppStore. The Bitten Apple move comes after she promised to do so, so it's not something we should be surprised at.

Epic Games has decided to create a #FreeFortnite campaign to free the game from the "clutches" of Big Brother Apple.

What does it mean? Well now epic Games will no longer be able to update Fortnite and all the titles found on AppStore. Here is the statement of Apple: «We are really disappointed to have to close the Epic Games account on the AppStore. We have worked with Epic for many years on their launches and releases ».

But not only, Apple he wanted to follow the indications of the Court, pending trial, “the court recommended that the company abide by the AppStore guidelines as the case progresses, guidelines they followed over the past decade until they created this situation. Epic refused ».

The answer of Tim SweeneyCEO epic Games, did not wait. In fact, she has decided to tell her her about it Twitter, issuing a statement in response to 9to5Mac.com:

Apple's statement isn't forthright. They chose to terminate Epic's account; they didn't *have* to.

Apple suggests we spammed the App Store review process. That's not so. Epic submitted three Fortnite builds: two bug-fix updates, and the Season 4 update with this note. pic.twitter.com/VpWEERDp5L

— Tim Sweeney (@TimSweeneyEpic) August 28, 2020

In case you don't chew it well Anglo-Saxon language: «Apple's statement is not so frank. They have chosen to close Epic's account; they did not "have to". Apple makes it appear that we have spammed the AppStore review process. But is not so. Epic has included three builds of Fortnite: two updates for bug fixes and Season 4 ».

This is one of the moves in the eternal battle between the two companies. This all started the moment epic Games created an exploit for don't pay 30% to Apple, violating the contract signed by both parties.

Fortunately, this struggle between giants will have no effect on theUnreal Engine, which despite being created by Epic, will continue to be updated, so as to allow indie developers to create games and place them on Apple devices.

What do you think about it? Who is right between the two sides, in your opinion? Let us know yours with a comment below!

apple Battle Royale epic games fortnite

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